We had hopes to take several short-term trips in 2020, but due to current events, we cannot travel. We did not want our inability to fly over in support to hinder the growth that is happening with our partners around the world. So instead of traveling ourselves, we are sending a gift to our partners, and this is a gift that is only made possible by your generosity.

There are three specific places that we are able to help.

Hopera, A Church Plant in Rome, Italy

The gift of $5,000 will provide a clear gospel witness to the lost and hurting in Rome, Italy. Hopera is a vibrant church in central Rome, Italy, which longs to contribute to Italy’s spiritual, cultural, and social flourishing. It is located next to Università La Sapienza, the largest university in Europe, in a historic neighborhood which is home to many students and young professionals. Learn more at hopera.co.

India Gospel League, Our Partners India

The gift of $5,000 will offer medical care to the sick, food for 50 hungry families, and financial support for ten church planters in India. IGL has planted more than 90,000 village churches in the past 25 years, and from these, hope is shining out to a world darkened by desperate poverty and ancient idolatry. Learn more at iglworld.org.

AOET, Action for Empowerment in Uganda

The gift of $5,000 will help show love and provide food to the hungry in Uganda, by offering meals to 600 orphans and their extended families. AOET centers on the child – the whole child. And in an environment of poverty, disease, and vulnerability, education is one of the most important predictor of a child’s growth and future economic certainty, and that is exactly what drives AOET. Learn more at aoet.org.

All in all, it’s a great gift of love to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, demonstrating that love matters most.