
Our church planters have been busy getting to know their new neighbors, doing outreach in their city, and meeting with potential members. Check out this update from Jeremy King, who is planting a church in Mayfield Heights. As always, please remember to keep Jeremy, his family, and their ministry in your prayers!

“Since moving to Mayfield Heights in the fall, I have had two primary tasks: settling into and learning about Mayfield Heights, and recruiting local Christians who will help launch this church. I’ve walked up and down our street to meet neighbors, gone from shop to shop to learn about family businesses, visited local taverns to meet the regulars, had coffee with city councilmen, teachers, and other community members. I try to ask questions and learn about their experience and perspective of the city. Both of these pieces of information help me determine what kind of church we are going to be.

We believe that God has uniquely gifted and placed us in Mayfield Heights. The neighborhood has its unique challenges and beauties. Our goal is to proclaim the gospel in a way that is compelling, captivating, and beautiful so that our neighbors might come to know Him. We have been encouraged by the response of locals so far, and even have a few Christians who are considering joining the church plant before it’s official launch!”

Interested in knowing more about Jeremy’s church in Mayfield Heights? Email him at [email protected].