Recently, our Door #2 team brought their walkthrough art experience to the Revive Conference in Germany. Revive is a conference held for young adults in Europe with the goal of seeing God move in big ways. Read below to hear from Adriana Caso on how their trip went and how God moved!

“There were 3,000 people at the conference and 68 countries represented. Between 850–1000 people came through the stations and 8 gave their lives to Christ in the stations! During the conference, 80 to 90 people gave their lives to Christ!

Through Door #2, CCC got to participate in planting seeds and growing the faith of the next generation in Europe. Students went through the stations slowly and carefully. There were 5 rooms and they spent an average of 15-30 minutes in each room. Some of them would sit down to read the directives, some would go through worshipping and many came through multiple times!

The first station asked you to pray with another person, which meant people from different countries to pray together. The result was very beautiful! Some people spent up to an hour in this area.

The second room was where we presented the gospel and gave them an opportunity to respond with confession. Students spent most of the time in this room. The confession canvas became a place where people could slow down, find space, and say what they needed to say to God. I prayed with many people in that space. It was a precious time! One girl told me, “this was the first time that I saw and believed that Jesus had truly forgiven me”. Another woman confessed her sin to me through tears and said it was the only time she could lay down her guilt and shame.

In many of the response cards, we heard things like “life-changing,” “the first time I ever did something like this” and, “I don’t usually like art but this really spoke to me”. One girl said she was discovering freedom in worship and a different way to do things. Many said that God really spoke to their hearts through the stations. Some of the students would stay and talk to us, some would find someone else to talk to, and others would go get their friends and come back!

We worked long days from our arrival on Dec. 23 until our departure on Jan.1. We averaged 16 hour days, but the team did great! We would sometimes have some extra help from our friends from Hopera, CCC’s partner church from Rome.

It was an extreme honor to see and be part of what God is doing worldwide. We are full of hope and joy for the future. We are praying that Door #2 can continue this vital work with Hopera and perhaps collaborate with others in the future! Thank you for all of your support!”

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