
Written by CCC Member, Georgann:

Having grown up in an alcoholic home and becoming an addict myself at an early age, I am familiar with the cycle of chaos and pain associated with life before Jesus.

Before coming to know Christ, my life was out of control. God stepped into my darkness through a dear lady named Nancy Sanate who shared the faith and the freedom she found in Christ. Today, 30 years later, she is still my mentor.

I also found the hope of freedom in Christ through Courage to Change (C2C), a faith-based 12-step program designed to benefit everyone. It exists to help people with all types of difficulties, not just addiction. Everyone experiences brokenness at one time or another and is in need of healing. In healing, transformation takes place. At C2C you’ll find help walking through that process to healing. But it starts with taking that first step: admitting that we need help and freedom. This takes courage.

God has now allowed the wreckage of my past to be used for His glory as I help others at C2C. At present, I facilitate the ladies group at our weekly Monday night gathering. God has designed us for fellowship and to share our burdens as we seek Him. At C2C, you’ll find a community of faith, love, understanding, and the hope only Jesus can offer.”

-Georgann Mirgliotta

Brokenness can wear a variety of masks, like depression, addiction to gambling, drug usage, and anger to name a few – and it can capture anyone. If you feel trapped, know that you’re not alone and that God has more in store for your life. It takes real courage to seek out recovery, but God will meet you there. Come to check out Courage to Change, a support group that meets every Monday at 7 p.m. at The Block (5374 Darrow Rd, Hudson, OH 44236), where we open up about our personal struggles (we all have them) and provides a framework to work through them. No need to register for Courage to Change – just show up. If you have questions, contact [email protected] or learn more about our support groups at Care & Support.